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For Employees
How to report wrongdoing

You have a choice.

If you are an employee or former employee of a ministry, Crown corporation, health authority, school district, or other public sector organization covered under PIDA, you have options for reporting wrongdoing – internally or externally. It is your choice.

View the organizations covered under PIDA.

You do not need to complete any internal process with your organization before contacting the Ombudsperson’s office.

The Ombudsperson only investigates reports of wrongdoing received from employees. Reports of wrongdoing made to your supervisor or Designated Officer will be managed by the Designated Officer for your organization.

In circumstances that pose an imminent risk of serious danger to the health and safety of people or the environment, employees can make a public report of wrongdoing only if prior approval has been received from the Provincial Health Officer, Emergency Management BC, or the police.

There are a number of ways you can report a wrongdoing to us

Your report must be in writing. Please provide all related information and records that you have about the alleged wrongdoing.

You can choose to submit your report of wrongdoing in one of the following ways:

Visit us

Please bring your completed form

2nd floor – 947 Fort St.
Victoria, BC

Mail us

Download and mail the form

PO Box 9039, Stn Prov Gov’t.
Victoria, BC V8W 9A5

Fax us

Download and fax the form


Please do not use email to send us your completed form. It is a less secure means of transmission.

If you have questions about the form or how to report wrongdoing, you can reach us at:

1-800-567-3247 (toll-free) or 250-387-5855 (Victoria)


If you have a file number and would like to submit documents, you can do that here.