Our Services
The BC Ombudsperson is advancing a decolonial approach in our work with First Nations, Métis, Inuit and urban Indigenous People and communities. We are committed to building and sustaining ongoing relationships rooted in respect, reciprocity and responsibility. Our goal is to strengthen our understanding of who we serve and to recognize with respect Indigenous rights and histories to ensure all Indigenous Peoples across BC are treated fairly in the delivery of public services.
Indigenous Community Services Plan
In 2020/21, the BC Ombudsperson’s Office received funding from the Legislature to develop an Indigenous Community Services Plan (ICSP). The plan aims to strengthen our partnerships with Indigenous service providers, community leaders and individuals to ensure all Indigenous Peoples across the province are treated fairly by provincial and local public authorities under our jurisdiction as set out in the Ombudsperson Act. The ICSP will set out a framework for how the office will work collaboratively with First Nations, Métis, Inuit and urban Indigenous people. Read Phase One of the ICSP.
Addressing Indigenous-Specific Racism in Health Care
The Addressing Racism Review final report highlights the inequitable access to preventative and primary health care services among First Nations, Métis, Inuit and urban Indigenous communities across BC. Indigenous people wishing to share their experiences of racism and discrimination in health care may still do so by contacting Kerrie Reay, who is continuing in her role from the Addressing Racism Investigation. Kerrie will provide callers with the time and understanding to speak of their experiences and concerns, help navigating the complaint processes, help accessing health records and making referrals. You can reach Kerrie by:
Phone: 1-888-600-3078 (Toll-free)
Email: Addressing_Racism@bcombudsperson.ca