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Online Training and Webinars

The BC Ombudsperson’s Office has a number of training materials available to support you in learning about administrative fairness as well as the role, responsibilities and protections provided under the Public Interest Disclosure Act (PIDA).

eLearning Courses

Designated Officer Fundamentals

This online course is for Designated Officers in public sector organizations covered by the Public Interest Disclosure Act (PIDA) in British Columbia. This course is intended to provide Designated Officers with the fundamental information they need to provide advice and receive disclosures under PIDA. It is a complementary resource to the Designated Officer Toolkit.

To register, visit our LearningHub

designated officer toolkit cover from November 2023 edition
silver whistle hanging from a rope on blue painted background

Speaking up Safely: Your Rights & Responsibilities under PIDA

This 1-hour online course covers the protections that the Public Interest Disclosure Act (PIDA) provides to current and former B.C. public sector employees who witness or know of serious wrongdoing occurring in their workplace, and outlines the various options available for reporting wrongdoing.

To register, visit our LearningHub

Fairness 101: An Introduction to Administrative Fairness

This 1-hour online course provides participants with an overview of the principles of administrative fairness and teaches learners how to recognize and apply these principles in their work. It focuses on how to be fair when making and communicating decisions that directly impact members of the public to ensure excellence in service delivery and prevent complaints from escalating.

To register, visit our LearningHub

Webinar Series

We have several webinars designed to support organizations to be more fair and learn about their responsibilities under PIDA. We also offer webinars that may help the public to better understand what fairness means in the delivery of public services.

Featured Webinar

The office is pleased to present a recording of its webinar:  Fairness in a Changing Climate

Misinformed: How the Ministry of Children and Family Development failed in its permanency planning obligations to a youth in care

This webinar details our investigation into MCFD’s failure to provide accurate information to a former youth in care.

Fairness by Design

This webinar outlines the updated and expanded Fairness by Design Guide

PIDA: Supervisor Responsibilities

This webinar covers some essential responsibilities for supervisors under BC’s Public Interest Disclosure Act and provides some practical tools to help fulfill their roles under the legislation. 

2021 PIDA Conference: Dr. Cindy Blackstock

On December 3, 2021, our office held the 3rd Annual Public Interest Disclosure Conference. This year’s keynote speaker, Dr. Cindy Blackstock, spoke about how we can learn from whistleblowers from the past.

Essentials of Fair Complaint Handling

Learn some key principles for effective complaint handling with a focus on how to resolve complaints when they are received. This webinar also covers some highlights of our office’s Complaint Handling Guide.

Alone: The Prolonged and Repeated Isolation of Youth in Custody

This webinar describes our investigation of the use of separate confinement at the two youth custody centres in BC.

Fairness Matters: Making Fair Decisions

Featuring Jay Chalke, BC’s Ombudsperson, this webinar discusses the importance of making fair, defensible and reasonable decisions.

Complaining 101: How to Complain Effectively to Get Results

This webinar was designed for the public and provides useful tips on how to make an effective complaint to public organizations.

Fairness in Practice: Aspects of Procedural Fairness

This webinar outlines the concept of procedural fairness in administrative decision making and provides tips to support fairness in service delivery.

Why Relationships Matter in Public Service Delivery

This webinar covers some essential tips for building and maintaining positive relationships with service users.

Fairness in the Public Service

This brief webinar provides an introduction to the concept of administrative fairness.