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Whistleblowing Resources

The Ombudsperson is a resource

Public bodies covered by PIDA have specific obligations such as

  • appointing a designated officer
  • developing procedures for managing reports of wrongdoing
  • reporting annually about reports of wrongdoing and investigations
  • ensuring staff are well-informed about PIDA, including about how to make a report of wrongdoing, both internally and to the Ombudsperson

Public bodies covered by the Public Interest Disclosure Act are invited to contact us for information about implementing their public interest disclosure program, to request assistance with an investigation, or to consult with us about managing reports of wrongdoing.

Our Public Interest Disclosure team has developed several resources (see below) and is available to support public bodies to fulfil their role under PIDA. We also can assist in the resolution of issues and challenges related to implementation of the Act.

You can reach us at:

call-contact1-800-567-3247 (toll-free) or 250-387-5855 (Victoria)

New eLearning Course Available: Speaking up Safely
Click here to learn more.