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For Public Bodies
Designated Officers

Resources for Designated Officers

Designated Officers are a primary point of contact for employees who wish to seek advice or report wrongdoing. It is the role of Designated Officers to:

  • Provide advice to employees about the options for reporting wrongdoing and protections available
  • Protect the confidentiality of employees who seek advice or report wrongdoing
  • Manage and investigate reports of wrongdoing in accordance with procedures established

A Designated Officer may contact the Ombudsperson for assistance with an investigation, or part of an investigation, into a report of wrongdoing. Our office can provide information and resources responsive to the nature of the request which may include analytical frameworks for assessing allegations of wrongdoing, information about assessing reprisal risk, and guidelines for conducting investigations.

We will not provide substantive advice about the disclosure or the merits of an investigation.

The BC Ombudsperson is a resource for ministries and offices of the legislature regarding their role under Public Interest Disclosure Act.