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Protections for speaking up

How are you protected?

Current and former BC public sector employees are entitled to bring concerns forward under PIDA and are protected in doing so.

You can share confidential information

PIDA permits current or former BC public sector employees to share otherwise confidential information with the BC Ombudsperson for the purpose of making a report of wrongdoing, including information which must be kept confidential under your Oath of Employment. However, PIDA does not authorize employees to share information that is protected by solicitor-client privilege or by a common law rule of privilege in a report to the Ombudsperson.

Your identity will be kept confidential

PIDA includes confidentiality provisions to protect the identity of employees who seek advice or report wrongdoing. The identity of any employee who contacts our office will be kept confidential to the extent possible. We will only share information which may identify an employee where it is necessary to carry out a function under PIDA or for another lawful purpose.

Reports of wrongdoing can also be made anonymously, although this may limit our office’s ability to investigate the allegations.

The information you provide in a report to the Ombudsperson, and any information later obtained related to your report, cannot be accessed through a freedom of information request.

reprisal-iconYou are protected from reprisal

An employee who makes a report of wrongdoing, seeks advice about making a report, or cooperates with an investigation is legally protected from any act of retaliation, called reprisal. It is an offence to take, or threaten to take, reprisal against an employee.

For more information, visit reprisal.