College of Physicians and Surgeons

We can investigate complaints about the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia. Before you make a complaint to us, we want to make sure you’ve tried to resolve your complaint directly with the people involved. Here’s the complaint information for you and some tips on how to make your complaint.

How to Complain about the College of Physicians and Surgeons

If you aren’t happy with the outcome of a complaint about a doctor to the College of Physicians and Surgeons, you can request a review by the Health Professions Review Board.

Contact for the Health Professions Review Board

Website: Health Professions Review Board

Already completed this process?

If you have already gone through this process and want to make a formal complaint to us, here’s what to do next:

Not Sure? Contact Us!

Please contact us directly if you don’t think it would be appropriate for us to require you to go through an available complaint or review process before we consider your complaint. We can consider your specific circumstances before we decide – including the urgency of your complaint or any disabilities or barriers you may be experiencing.

Need Support?

Do you need advocacy, support or legal advice? Click here for a list of links that may help you get the assistance you need.